The friendships have been key
Whether it’s facing the cost-of-living crisis or caring for a relative with a long-term condition, some challenges are harder when you are also experiencing loneliness.
Open whatever the weather
"Lots of those people who were struggling in the winter are still struggling in the summer"
First football club and theatre join Places of Welcome
“Our being part of the Places of Welcome initiative is part of a longer-term ambition to get this place open and active and inclusive and welcoming.”
Hospitality is a lifeline
‘The gatherings were brimming with reality, relationships of hope, and a want from volunteers and friends alike to just be, and to just listen.’
Bishop Rob Wickham
Listened to & Valued
“Our PoW makes an immense difference – it’s a place where everyone is welcome, it helps break down any longstanding tensions and barriers. Everyone is listened to and valued.”
Serving hope
‘The need for people to feel valued is just as important as offering them hot soup.’
Kath, a Places of Welcome volunteer
Customers, now volunteers
“Our policy is that no-one sits alone.”
Jane, St Martin’s Church Community Café
Bus routes & soup
‘It’s like a second home here, some people come every week.’
Helen, Places of Welcome co-ordinator
Essential Services
‘It’s a regular safe place to come for a chat and friendship.’
Tom, priest